Sunday 10 July 2016

Not The Transporter Bridge - Not The Private View

Our 'private' view was also open to the public, which might partly explain the good attendance. Whether or not, the exhibition was very well received and generated lots of positive comments.  Many thanks to everyone who came and supported us.

Julia and Elizabeth discuss the exhibition with Lynne's picture's in the background

Val and Kate with Julia's 'In Conversation' behind them

Linda and Kate admire Julie's 'Allotments'

Quite a crowd in a small space

Julia in conversation with Alan Morley from Cleveland Art Society

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Pictures from An Exhibition

With the help of Ken from Kirkleatham Museum, we spent the day hanging our Not The Transporter Bridge Exhibition. We managed to find space for nearly all the pictures that were submitted, together with Les Southerton's pots and Kate Geelan's cushions.

A lot to be done?

Everyone  hard at work (well nearly!)

Paintings from Lynne Herkmen, Les Southerton, Wendy Proud, Linda Cowling, Elizabeth Dennison and Nicola Aiken,  with Gill Place's diorama in the corner

Julia's paintings, Les' pots, Kate's cushions

Work from Gill Spensley, Rob Blenkarn, Val harrison, Gill Place and Nicola Aiken

Julie Macbean's Allotments painting, flanked by work from Gill Bradley and Dee Maloney